Tuesday, December 16, 2008

2nd request.........Last Notice......

Brandon.......Ethan.......Susan........Haven't heard from you as to your invitation...........If it
happens your schedule is just filled .........Thats fine........But would love to have you squeeze me in somewhere..................Lovin ya!....................Grama Tiki........xoxoxoxoxoxo

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Merry Christmas.....Heugly family.....

Merry Christmas ...........To everyone................

I so hope you can find a minute to see me during this next week.....I am so homesick for all of you.........Maybe you can't all come on the same day........But maybe a couple
of you can make it together?.......Or separate.......Or just whatever is convenient......that will be
just perfect.......Yes I want you to bring your little ones........I have a little gift for them.....Not so
much but enough to let them know I have been twiddling my brain to think of some little thing
that might make them know that I have been thinking of them......They are all so adorable......
But please........stop in.....Grandpa and I will be waiting...........Just let me know........If you might
could call me......That would be so great........................Loving you like always.......
Grandma Tiki.............

Thursday, July 3, 2008


I hope that everyone keeps their eye on the rainbow......Sometimes it is hidden....But it is still there perfect as always.....Everything God creates is perfect......As you all are perfect.....Because you are also Gods creation..........And not one of you can be cloned.....You are each unique with your different personalities..... Each one of you possess a well of wisdom within you............But it is there, as is the love you also possess........And that love means you have a glimpse of heaven in your heart..... I heard someone say the other day.......he was asked the question...."How do you relate to young people like you do?"....He said...I reached a certain point......And it was like mentally I refused to move beyond it.......And I have been pondering that......And there might be more truth in that statement for all of us than we realize......I just believe you are on a hunt....in the beginning......Or you may call it shopping......For things to make your life worthwhile and to add things that make life worth it and that give you some answers.........That is worthy of your emotional investment.....And when you find it......You know it....And I can understand that 100%......Because when I found music, I found love all over again........The hunt was over......That was the solitude that would keep me on an even keel.......Till I could be with my sweetheart again....It was a balancer......There was enough excitement...joy.....enlightenment.....A reminder of all the memories that I had locked away......And a reminder there is an abundance of life here and beyond to look forward to.....It was an equalizer.......I think I was convinced that all stages of life are beautiful......In youth we learn.....In age we understand.....We appreciate love more....Because it is the beautifier of all things..........And when you have it in your heart....You attract it to you..........Our heart is like a giant magnet......With it we draw everyone to us....We do it all with Love .....And no wonder....as it is and always will be the greatest power on earth......And so fitting on this Fourth of July.....the day of fireworks.....We have our very own little"FIRECRACKER" (love).....Lighting up our world and being a huge Sparkler in our life....................So I guess we have a lot of good reasons to celebrate.......Happy Holiday everyone...................Lovin ya all like crazy..........Gram

Friday, June 27, 2008

How Michael's Music has helped me...

I finally surfaced again.........There is a crack in my armor.........That I can't seem to rise above...........It has taken total control of my vulnerability...........And It is my reality.......And so every now and then I have to surrender and go to that place where it is so peaceful and everything has its freedom.....We think often that we have built our wall of protection so that it is infallible........But that moment will never come for any of us..........There are none of us that stand alone in our battle with life.......However .......as in my case......the years will clue you in where ........the path to your heart has worn thin..........And you know the things that are just too delicate ......are the things that you have the hardest time swallowing....................Sometimes we are not sure what has the greatest impact on the fragile structure of our being......until we lose something.........But I know at this moment what absolutely destroys the steady rhythm of my heart........And that is certain music........But always the same performer.............When he isn't distracted by people....probably when he is recording and really concentrating............The sound that resonates from his CD's......And the slow meaningful ones........Is to me........A sound almost too precious and grand for ears not worthy on ground level..........It almost should bypass earth life and remain in a state that is celestial and the sound itself would be pleasing to the angels..............Well I finally found the courage to say it out loud........But that voice is just too priveleged a gift ..........for ears that can't feel the depth of its worth....................Even at this moment.........I can't bare to listen to just any song.......The Christmas ones are just forbidden.............I can do the fast ones.........But his heart and soul has a connection to the heavens.....And I know heavenly beings are present and accompany him and you feel something immense that you can't identify.........................Michael was assigned in heaven to bring this gorgeous voice down here to us..........They just threw in his good looks at the last minute....................That cute darling guy of ours..........Has quite an assignment...........To reach deep within us and to make us wonder where ever?.......Is beautiful talent like this born?.....................And how and why do some seem to be first in line when such precious gifts are past out?..................But in truth.........It is a burden either way................A person with so many gifts.....has to make some really hard decisions............And he has to make a lot of sacrifices..............On the other hand to those of us who were last in line.........That wonder how come?..........They learn a lot because they sometimes feel deprived...................And so they learn quickly.................."We have to find contentment in our allotment"............................OK......I'm done......enough rambling ................Anyway.......I'm back among the living.................Ready to fight another day............I have lost a lot of things........But not my ear for the most gorgeous voice...........That I'm not sure my weak and getting weaker heart has the strength to absorb most days.......Lovin ya all like crazy..................Gram ...............

Baby stops crying when he hears Michael Buble...

This you tube video says it all..Even Babies are affected by the soothing sound of his voice..

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Random Thoughts...

I have a little thought I want to share with all of you.........It hit home......And helped me understand myself a little better......A French novelist...Anatole France...observed that......"All changes.....even the most longed for.....have their melancholy........for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves...........We must die to one life.....before we can enter another."...........................And then she goes on to explain all the different kind of changes we have to adjust to in our life...........A death...........a divorce.............A loss of a job.............a move..................your children starting school..............your children getting married..........losing a friend................a severe illness...............a severe accident......Probably with out any doubt........shutting the door on any one these experiences is more than devastating............And for that reason I can think of nothing that takes more skill than to handle any of these things gracefully.................There may be nothing of equal value to the quality of your life than to be able to have mastered the dignity to cope under any of these.........Some of us have experienced every single one of these...........And is it any doubt we feel so melancholy.....................Just thought I'd share.........I heard one of my friends say once......"You have to learn to bounce in this life"...........Meaning ......we can't stay down for too long........Love to you all Gram
Let's all try to bounce more and be more flex able with what life throws our way..

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Joe and Marci's #5

Is this cute enough?..........This baby has a message for me.....Look at those eyes.......And this
was just a couple hours after he was born........He woke up for this moment!...........He didn't even
blink..............And he wasn't crying.........This was a sacred moment.........And I could tell you what
he was saying to me.......But I think I shan't.......Well maybe I will..........But then again......I just
think that I really don't want to.......Are you anxious to know Joe?..........Later Hon!.............
I believe I was the first visitor to see him..........Is that special?............Joe called me
and said ...."Why don't you come on over and see him?".........And I just went in and took my
nightgown off......There was no hesitation.......I knew that he and I had a rendezvous to keep......
And he was so darling........His little heavenly influence was with him..........And I could tell that
the spirit of those that he just left were still close to him.......And still watching to make sure that
he arrived safe.........There was an infinite majesty that surrounded him.......Only minutes away
from heaven.......He was trying his very best to be pleasant in this strange place having just
left such an abundance of love.............Can you even imagine.......anything on earth being as pure
and sacred and so full of love as this tiny beautiful little precious baby seconds away from
heaven?.....................And then imagine the tears saying goodbye to all the loved ones there?
...............This is our belief.......And nothing on earth could be more beautiful.........Thank you
Joe and Marci for allowing me such a heavenly moment......to hold your little one and know
that I was holding in my arms.......a tiny influence still full of the light of heaven..............

All my love forever.............Great Grandma Tiki...........

Friday, May 23, 2008

May 2007

This is the family at Lance & Leslie's last summer for Matt's Homecoming & Houston's Farewell. All five kids together!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

How did I get so many treasures in my family?

To all the little golden nuggets in my Gold Mine!........

Here I am......sitting here in my little cottage......surrounded by all the memories
of my past........And just drinking in all my blessings.....I must have a magic cup.....Because it
just keeps getting larger..........I am at this moment......The richest little grama in the entire
universe..............There comes a moment when I hardly have the strength to hold my cup......
I'm just sitting here.....And I have this little precious grand-daughter who just calls me up and
says....."Grama.....Go to your George Web.......And there is a surprise for you".......And there
on my George is ........An entire gallery of Michael Music coming down to me on a secret
network from Heaven............And what am I doing?.......Weeping......Because I know when I
ever receive something that touches me this much.......Heaven is performing its magic......And
I know the instigator..............Our Father in Heaven works through his children on earth if
they are in tune..........And am I lucky?.............This music has ......more than anything else brought back my past with my sweetheart.........This was our era......This was our moment in
the sun...................It just wasn't long enough........The Lord knew......how lonesome I would be
........And he has sent my way........everything I would possibly need.........First I had my little
job with "Certified Cable".....when I got to work with Susans boys.......And she gave me my
little Tiki............Then the Temple called me to work there........This was all in the course of
17 years............I think it would be honest to say........These years I was in shock mode.......And I was trying to survive.........I wasn't very strong.......Gradually step by step.....I picked up
a little moxy.......And I have tried to realize why I was left here?.........I have studied and prayed.......And still I know not........But I know God is in charge.....And he doesn't make mistakes........I have been given the strength up to this point........Now I realize this time since
I have been not working in the temple.....This time has been the hardest of all.......But I have
Susan......who has been a God send to me......If there is anything I need......She is there......And
she and I have grown to really understand each other........And it is great when there is someone to talk to...........And we have reached a plateau......Where we can talk and disagree....
This is huge........And also wonderful...................Anyway.......How lucky I am......And then I
have Joe who just gave me an extra TV?.......I cherish it.....in my bedroom......And then Susan
gave me first her Computer.......Later I bought a newer one.......And then Justin and Cindy just showed up one day with a brand new Frigerator.......Bless their hearts.......And I forgot.....One day Joe called me up and said...{ 8:AM].....Go to your door granma.....There is someone who
wants to say hi to you........It was a Plumber with a brand new toilet.....At Joe's request.......
That was super..........I haven't mentioned everything......But can you imagine?.........There is
just me and the walls having a conversation and........out of the blue.....There is someone
floating down sprinkles of gold dust on top of my head........And of course I know.......It is
a completion of the Gold Mine that Dad and I shared........And it is he in heaven reminding
me how wealthy we both are............Am I just the luckiest?............I think so........I don't know
if this will fit on my George page........Well......Anyway......Thanks to you all......for being so
generous with me.........And just knowing that you are all there......I just short of heaven.....
........You just being there......Have made my being put on pause........A little less hurtful.......

And I adore you all.....................Just me......Grama......
P.S. Thanks Britt......That was just super!.......And even slightly wonderful.....Did I say
thanks?..........Oh yeah!.......It is just great......Having all your grandkids smarter than you are....
Do I feel like a Putz?......................And to Justin and Cindy.....My beautiful White Stove.......And
to Joe.....For my Brand new Potty Chair............You are all just fantastic........

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The biggest tree in the Forest.....

This is practise............................!!!!!!!!!

.....To all the little leaves that lay so quietly on your own little branch that is attached to the one Jumbo Nielsen Oak Tree that overlooks all the others .......Be kind to those............Who are in the same Forest but maybe carrying burdens that might seem overwhelming.............They are our brothers and sisters.......And no matter where any of us were placed in the soil........We all must bloom where we are planted......It may require our time.....energy.......muscle.........But we have been blessed in our family tree......To have mighty boughs.....And strong seedlings...........And we must share..........This is what the Patriarch of our family has left so beautifully said in his last thoughts for us all..............Regardless of the color.....creed......gene pool.....language barrier.....gender..

And I do believe you will find all of these herein stated......But we are united.....And we will fight to the end..........This is my prayer........Yo!........Gram.....

Tuesday, May 6, 2008