Thursday, July 3, 2008


I hope that everyone keeps their eye on the rainbow......Sometimes it is hidden....But it is still there perfect as always.....Everything God creates is perfect......As you all are perfect.....Because you are also Gods creation..........And not one of you can be cloned.....You are each unique with your different personalities..... Each one of you possess a well of wisdom within you............But it is there, as is the love you also possess........And that love means you have a glimpse of heaven in your heart..... I heard someone say the other day.......he was asked the question...."How do you relate to young people like you do?"....He said...I reached a certain point......And it was like mentally I refused to move beyond it.......And I have been pondering that......And there might be more truth in that statement for all of us than we realize......I just believe you are on a the beginning......Or you may call it shopping......For things to make your life worthwhile and to add things that make life worth it and that give you some answers.........That is worthy of your emotional investment.....And when you find it......You know it....And I can understand that 100%......Because when I found music, I found love all over again........The hunt was over......That was the solitude that would keep me on an even keel.......Till I could be with my sweetheart again....It was a balancer......There was enough reminder of all the memories that I had locked away......And a reminder there is an abundance of life here and beyond to look forward to.....It was an equalizer.......I think I was convinced that all stages of life are beautiful......In youth we learn.....In age we understand.....We appreciate love more....Because it is the beautifier of all things..........And when you have it in your heart....You attract it to you..........Our heart is like a giant magnet......With it we draw everyone to us....We do it all with Love .....And no it is and always will be the greatest power on earth......And so fitting on this Fourth of July.....the day of fireworks.....We have our very own little"FIRECRACKER" (love).....Lighting up our world and being a huge Sparkler in our life....................So I guess we have a lot of good reasons to celebrate.......Happy Holiday everyone...................Lovin ya all like crazy..........Gram