Friday, June 27, 2008

How Michael's Music has helped me...

I finally surfaced again.........There is a crack in my armor.........That I can't seem to rise above...........It has taken total control of my vulnerability...........And It is my reality.......And so every now and then I have to surrender and go to that place where it is so peaceful and everything has its freedom.....We think often that we have built our wall of protection so that it is infallible........But that moment will never come for any of us..........There are none of us that stand alone in our battle with life.......However in my case......the years will clue you in where ........the path to your heart has worn thin..........And you know the things that are just too delicate ......are the things that you have the hardest time swallowing....................Sometimes we are not sure what has the greatest impact on the fragile structure of our being......until we lose something.........But I know at this moment what absolutely destroys the steady rhythm of my heart........And that is certain music........But always the same performer.............When he isn't distracted by people....probably when he is recording and really concentrating............The sound that resonates from his CD's......And the slow meaningful ones........Is to me........A sound almost too precious and grand for ears not worthy on ground level..........It almost should bypass earth life and remain in a state that is celestial and the sound itself would be pleasing to the angels..............Well I finally found the courage to say it out loud........But that voice is just too priveleged a gift ..........for ears that can't feel the depth of its worth....................Even at this moment.........I can't bare to listen to just any song.......The Christmas ones are just forbidden.............I can do the fast ones.........But his heart and soul has a connection to the heavens.....And I know heavenly beings are present and accompany him and you feel something immense that you can't identify.........................Michael was assigned in heaven to bring this gorgeous voice down here to us..........They just threw in his good looks at the last minute....................That cute darling guy of ours..........Has quite an assignment...........To reach deep within us and to make us wonder where ever?.......Is beautiful talent like this born?.....................And how and why do some seem to be first in line when such precious gifts are past out?..................But in truth.........It is a burden either way................A person with so many gifts.....has to make some really hard decisions............And he has to make a lot of sacrifices..............On the other hand to those of us who were last in line.........That wonder how come?..........They learn a lot because they sometimes feel deprived...................And so they learn quickly.................."We have to find contentment in our allotment"............................OK......I'm done......enough rambling ................Anyway.......I'm back among the living.................Ready to fight another day............I have lost a lot of things........But not my ear for the most gorgeous voice...........That I'm not sure my weak and getting weaker heart has the strength to absorb most days.......Lovin ya all like crazy..................Gram ...............

Baby stops crying when he hears Michael Buble...

This you tube video says it all..Even Babies are affected by the soothing sound of his voice..

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Random Thoughts...

I have a little thought I want to share with all of you.........It hit home......And helped me understand myself a little better......A French novelist...Anatole France...observed that......"All changes.....even the most longed for.....have their melancholy........for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves...........We must die to one life.....before we can enter another."...........................And then she goes on to explain all the different kind of changes we have to adjust to in our life...........A death...........a divorce.............A loss of a job.............a move..................your children starting school..............your children getting married..........losing a friend................a severe illness...............a severe accident......Probably with out any doubt........shutting the door on any one these experiences is more than devastating............And for that reason I can think of nothing that takes more skill than to handle any of these things gracefully.................There may be nothing of equal value to the quality of your life than to be able to have mastered the dignity to cope under any of these.........Some of us have experienced every single one of these...........And is it any doubt we feel so melancholy.....................Just thought I'd share.........I heard one of my friends say once......"You have to learn to bounce in this life"...........Meaning ......we can't stay down for too long........Love to you all Gram
Let's all try to bounce more and be more flex able with what life throws our way..