Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What a day in May!......

I tried to wait till the tide came in and everything settled and was calm.......But I have
a hunch this is not going to happen.................So amidst whatever is on the horizon we shall
feed the horses and get on the wagon..........seize the moment and yet while still under construction........pretend that I have within me.....a mind that can put on paper emotions and
an event that was filled with so much depth and meaning that this little 80 year old came close to calling 911 for emergency diapers...........My legs were starting to buckle......and I was
goin down..................Unfortunately a place where I have been many times.....But this time it
took me down to my knees in humility and wonderment......As ...the second.... the door opened....
And the light went on.......I...for a split half-second......had the illusion of heaven.....seeing a sea
of faces ........and being blesssed with eyes that struggle.......knew in my heart that all these
little eyes belonged to those whom I loved with all my heart.........Handpicked.. chosen..sacred
tiny little ones.....that came and hugged me.........I was surrounded by angels yet so pure ....
and not long from heaven..........Could my instinct be right?.................Then .....not a minute
later........I knew the truth..........Debbie handed me a blown up photo that was the ugliest
she could find.....of me.....ever.......Then I knew I was still on Mother earth............And I knew
the humor we have so enjoyed in the past.......Had gone south......or had a terrible flu.......
But it was badly in need of repair..............And whats more......She said that was what she did?
I believe Marlene told me.......They were putting her in the home soon.....period..

I think I know where all this originated.......And I want them to know......They have
stretched my heart so........I 'm not sure if I can control it anymore.......It weeps continually
......non stop............When I found out I couldn't have any more children......There just wasn't
any more up there on that little bench waiting for me........I was devistated.......But the
Lord new all along......these same choice spirits I was wanting would find their way into my
home...............and he saved them for me............Sometimes the Lord blesses us inspite of how
many mistakes we make..........How lucky are we?......That we have someone that loves us
that much?...........It is amazing to me.......when we think we are so unlovable.......that the Lord
just loves us anyway......................

To these Marthas and Marys who joined forces and helped.........I can never ....ever
......thank you enough...................It was the thought behind it that tore my heart out......And
now it is under major construction.............But I have lived long enough to know that
sometimes when we are so badly in need of Elmers Glue........It isn't meant to be repaired.....It is more valuable when we are wounded........Sometimes it is our wounds that save us........
How wise is the Lord?..............He knows us so well.........

By knowing the extra planning and expense it took to come........You have all touched
my heart in a way that I think it shall never completely recover.......But the tears are so
beautiful to me............And this is a memory I shall carry with me into eternity..........
And I promise those to whom all this is credited.......will have a treasure in heaven......that
will burn so brightly within them that they too will think their feet is often above ground......
Nothing is ever done.....ever.....that is not known by our Father In heaven.....And
there are smiles unnumbered by those we love who have witnessed this beautiful event
in another sphere in the most beautiful place of all.......

........................Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.....
As I sit in my little cottage .......awaiting my Farm Boy to rescue me......
Never again shall I witness anything but the warmth that you all have shown me.....
What a beautiful beautiful thing that you all made happen for me..........
All my Love.....forever and forever...................
Grama Wonderful......
P.S. It was a miracle enough that Rhonda figured a way to get me up and out
into where the world lives......I am not much of a traveler these days only if I might think
Armageddon is on the way............Well it was kinda......To me... in my little world of one.....
Thanks for listening........It has been a fun little chat..............Maybe we could do this again
sometime?...........Or maybe not.............Take a chance.....Dive in!!.......Got cold feet?......
Like Debra says to Ray on "Everybody loves Raymond"....."Get some sox"............

Once again......KIORA............Love ya'all..............Grama Tiki


Rachelle said...

Wow Gram, I love your way with words. There is no one that deserved that party than you. You are a great example to me and my sisters. I love you sooooo.

Your #1 Granddaughter

Candisse and Family said...

Gram-ee-ah! I love what you said and how you said it. Everything went perfect and it could not have been any better. Thank you for being my Grandma Wonderful!!! I love you more that you will ever know.
Your #1 Granddaughter
Shell you are not the only one that gets to use that title just cause you were born 1st!!!! so there!!!

Joe and Marci said...

What an amazing day for an amazing lady! Thanks for passing all your goodness onto your #1 grandson, so we could have your #1 great-grandkids :)
Love you!!
Your #1 granddaughter-in-law

Brittany said...

yay grandma for putting up a blog post !! ;) What a fun party! I don't know if you know this, but my doctor tried to schedule my induction for Friday which would have kept me from your party, but the hospital just couldn't fit me in, so I had to wait til Monday!! It was so fun to see you and everyone come out in support and love for you! I hope you had a wonderful day and felt the love that was there! You have created and nurtured this huge wonderful family and look at us now! We're pretty cool, if I do say so myself... I love you!

leslie reynolds said...

Mom, very well said. It was a wonderful day. I loved seeing you with your family. It is always emotional when you see your Walter. You have always had a special love for him, and as a result, all of us girls have too. We love you mom. You are a special lady.
Your #1 daughter.