Thursday, November 15, 2012
Twenty One years ago today................
November 14....2012......
Twenty one years that I have been in the wilderness solo......without my
sweetheart.......Rhonda and I read the entire Book of Mormon and the steady and sure
message you could count on was the participants going into the wilderness in between
short bouts of righteousness .............And we kinda smiled about it is so
indicative of us all.........You must remember...when you are in the winter of your have had time to process and mull over the favorable and delicious
moments and the excruciating and mind-blowing moments...........Both of these are
gifted to every person .........My sweetheart used to tell me....."Mom....Trouble will
knock on every door sooner or later"......When I was a little girl I thought if I was
good.....That knock would never come..........And I lived with that notion.....until
the Lord thought I was really ready to enter the ring....that moment came.......and I
was initiated into my own personal battle with my Goliath.......We each have our own...
Sometimes we take on more battles than we need........Conquering your the
one that is essential..........then you can more easily digest the rest that is on your
plate.........Sometimes our plate is brimming......that is the moment we go to our
best friend...the Lord......and the peace comes and the comforter has his arm around
your shoulder.........and the moment is saved until the next wave comes from out of
nowhere.......comforting are the words....."He chastiseth those whom he loveth".....
Those words are more than comforting.......Those words are the bandaid for your heart
that is broken..........The anti-biotic for a weeping soul......Whatever we have that
is broken.......the Lord has the perfect fix......As it is prepared in heaven....
and he administers it personally...........
Since the Lord prepared me.......and instructed that I must wear my armor
at all times......Not only both my boxing gloves but also I need to alert every fiber
of my being to the promptings of the spirit......That is my personal revelation from
heaven........And I have to bear witness to you that we all have a safety net that
surrounds us...if we attach ourself to it........It is there.......And it is the
greatest feeling of warmth and ease that is possible to have on this earth......It is
the Holy Ghost..........While it is with are heir to the closest thing to
heaven possible for you to experience while still on the earth............
My life has changed dramatically..........But the changes themselves bear
little weight to the intrusion of the peace that comes to you when you are taught by
the spirit that you are where you should be.....doing what you are meant to do.....
and the blessings that come are almost too enormous for a little gramas cottage .....
Yes............she is still waiting for her Farm rescue her from her
wilderness.........not that it is for unrighteousness.......but that it is a place
that she will never feel complete until she is re-united with her soul-mate.....
" We have to find contentment in our allotment"....says Neal Maxwell.....
I have.....and I am......and I will....until the Lord says.....I really ask for nothing
only for my family...........They have been my life.......And I get great peace when
I know.....that the Lord doesn't make mistakes.........I get strength from that......
and my testimony is what keeps me from sinking in that little rubber raft that I feel
I am floating in .....My a void filled with angels that I can feel
but cannot see.........I know they are there......And it is the grace of heaven and
my Heavenly Father that keeps on gifting me......I wonder so often......Why did the
Lord pick me to find such a treasure of a man?......and then gift me with 5 volumes
of scripture for me to learn about life?.........Those scriptures are my five beautiful
children.......Who are the essence of what life is all about......They have been the
Drama......the fun........the tears........the laughter....the danger....the mystery
..the beginning and the end of what I have become..........They have held my hand....
and reminded me of what I have learned..........This life is not about us....but it is
about how quickly we can disappear from our own radar......How quickly we can forget
ourselves and get invested in helping others........Is this not the Lords example to
us?........Is he not to be our living example to follow?.......Is he not the greatest
teacher that ever lived?........How lucky are we?......We don't have to guess about
one single thing in life.....Even how to think?.....How to find answers?.....HOw to
act? to dress?......What to focus on?....What to avoid?......How to
discern about everything?........That we can't find our security in people or things
......But in principles that never change.......People disappoint us and disappear and
things wither into dust...or dry up and fade away........Principles that are born
in truth are forever.....In other words ....Things that the Lord says to us.....are
forever.....He will always be there for us......forever.........if we reach out to him
........Well........I felt on this day that is special to me....I could give to the ones that care.......a tiny mine-ute synopsis or just a glance into ...'Things that were...Things that have been....things that are.....tucked away down deep into the corners of the soul of one little Mom...grama....ggrama....who was given almost more love than she could handle for one life time........It is ironic.........that the very
thing that almost destroys us is the very thing that pulls us in from drowning.......
And that love that is God-given.... is the most precious thing a spirit can possess....
How fortunate was I?..........The luckiest little grama on earth....I hope and pray
I can stand tall........that is a joke......I haven't been able to stand very tall for
a number of years......I feel often like a pretzel when I walk......But I am working
my foot cycle that Susan gave me.....and as long as I have the Holy Ghost and he is
comfortable with me......I need not one thing......And I am so grateful....for the
Lords goodness to me.......I thank him so many times a day for loving me so much....
It is time to wrap up this little footnote...are you smiling?.....I needed to vent....
You can only argue with yourself and your thoughts for so long......then you need to
give it to will forgive me for sharing .....
Hang tough everyone..........We all are so blessed to live in this beautiful land of
the free.......We are free .....That is what is important.....I love the word.....
To my precious family........use your freedom wisely......You all know you can only
maintain your freedom when you make correct choices.....Whatever captures us mentally or emotionally......takes us prisoner......anything except spiritually.....then it
allows ua to climb upwards.....closer to the beauty that exists and radiates from
heavenly things........Where there is the still of calmness and the majesty of silence
that shuts out the harshness and brashness and evil of the world.....The Lord gave us
all a ticket to Heaven........All he asks of us is our obedience and faith in him and
his word..........How great to ....think of that reunion that will happen one day.....
and with every chair vacancies........This can happen......I know it
can.............if we get off our 'Duffs'..........One foot in front of the other....
one step at a time........and if the 'bad guys' will stop trying to trip me?.....Do
you too have this problem?.......I know......Satan has a huge following......and they
won't leave us alone...........This time it is for real.......Kiora!........Dad says
that word means whatever we want it to mean.........To you who look upon me favorably
......I say..."Jump aboard..we're off" you who look at me with disdain....I
say.."Get thee lost"......Our goal is .....'Eternal Life'.....What can be better than
that?........On this note I say 'Kiora'.......till next we meet....Grama Wonderful....
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